AOS is an AI inference verification and sampling network for the Hetu protocol on EigenLayer. AOS can bring enhanced security to AI networks, while supporting more efficient and clean verification services for AI networks. We are utilizing logical clocks as the core mechanism.
Network Info
The information about the AOS Network and its corresponding settlement layer EigenLayer is as follows:
AVS related address:(link)
Service Manager Address: 0x1b03948300b888e731fb04d5c43592ee582a2f3c
Registry Address: 0x90730cee46a9dc8fa492c9fed4fe8808478521f
Name: Aos Network
Operator Address: 0x18e5b5bb07f289a08103d71c413877923215325
Malicious Actions:
Offline: The node is not functioning properly and fails to fulfill its duties, such as not participating in network consensus or processing transactions.
Generating Incorrect Inference Results: The results differ from those of the OPML (Operator Performance Monitoring and Logging) inference tasks.
zkverify Not Passed: zkverify is a zero-knowledge proof verification mechanism. If the verification fails, it indicates that there is an issue with the proof submitted by the operator, which may involve data tampering or other malicious actions.
For the first year, we're not going to slash.
Punishment Mechanisms:
Offline Punishment: No slash will be applied for offline periods of up to 1 hour. For extended offline periods, a slash of 0.1 ETH will be applied each time. There is a risk mitigation mechanism in place to prevent honest nodes from being slashed.The specific slash amount can be adjusted based on community consensus.
Sampling Inference Verification Not Passed Punishment: A slash of 0.1 ETH will also be applied. The specific slash amount can be adjusted based on community consensus and the security requirements of the network.
EigenLayer PoS Block Time - 5 seconds
Block Gas Limit - 50,000,000
Checkpoint Periods - 30 minutes
Challenge Periods - 3 days
We welcome feedback! Join the discussion on our forum or open an issue on GitHub.
Last updated